Al Gore Set To Lay Out ‘Green Business’ Plan In Spain

Al Gore Set To Lay Out ‘Green Business’ Plan In Spain

LAST UPDATED: 16 November, 2014 @ 1:11 pm
GREEN: Al Gore

GREEN: Al Gore

FORMER US vice-president Al Gore will lay out his strategy for green business at a conference in Spain next week.

During his speech ‘Thinking Green: Economic Strategy for the 21st Century’, the green campaigner will describe a new economic model which is adapted to ‘new realities’ – such as Spain’s current crisis.

Speaking at the Future Economy conference in Barcelona on October 19-20, Gore will discuss how small and medium-sized businesses – as well as ordinary people – can play a role in developing sustainability.

“We need a new economic model that is adapted to new realities and challenges, but which can also be the source of economic growth,” said Gore, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work helping fight climate change.

“Every recession needs a new surge of innovation to turn things round and get growth going again, and this time it could be the many cost-saving, recycling and technological innovations that the sustainable sector provides.

“In addition to IT-millionaires, there could quite easily be a crop of eco-millionaires,” he suggested.

Other speakers will include representatives from Marbella Town Hall, Greenpeace and the WWF.

Gore will give the same speech at Gibraltar’s Thinking Green Forum on October 21.