Company provides 100% green energy for expats living in Spain

Company provides 100% green energy for expats living in Spain

Danish-owned Energy Nordic in Fuengirola has been offering a 100% guaranteed green energy service for the past three years.

LAST UPDATED: 2 January, 2018 @ 1:02 pm
ENERGY NORDIC: New energy needs for the new year

BRITS can now fuel their homes with 100% green energy.

Danish-owned Energy Nordic in Fuengirola has been offering a 100% guaranteed green energy service for the past three years.

But now the company, which uses English as their lingua franca, are offering the first English-speaking energy service for expats for their energy bills, correspondence, and individual price plans.

“The Spanish energy market is dominated by two or three big fellers, nobody understands the bills and everybody is complaining about paying too much,” says customer service manager Marianne Dahlgaard.

“We’re focusing locally, but the response we’ve had has been nationwide.”

The 48-year-old says Energy Nordic has three price plans: fixed product, flex product and flat rate.

All three are 100% green energy but the flex product, Dahlgaard told the Olive Press, will save you the most money in the long run, as prices change depending on the position of the Spanish market.

Although customers pay a slightly higher rate, the difference goes towards funding renewable energy sources, including solar panels, and wind turbines across Spain.

“We’re here to make it as personalised as possible,” she continues, which means UK customers can pay with UK credit cards.

CEO Jesper Wagner added that changing your energy supplier is a lot easier in Spain as you just send your information to a different energy distributor and one to three weeks later it is changed.

In 2018 the company hopes to be providing energy to the Balearics and Canary Islands, where there is a ‘waiting list for Mallorca’.