Eco Shopping

Eco Shopping

LAST UPDATED: 30 August, 2014 @ 9:14 am
SOY ECO: Louise and Nuria, aged 4

SOY ECO: Louise and Nuria, aged 4

A WATER saving device used by royals and at No10 Downing Street can reduce household use by up to 80 per cent.

The Watersave tap aerator costs just 5.99 euros and is one of many environmentally-friendly products now exclusively on sale here via a unique English language website

Former PR, Louise Brace, 39, set up her company in Ojen, near Marbella, after realising she wanted her daughter to grow up being more environmentally aware.

“I didn’t want Nuria to be completely obsessed with having an iPod and the latest of everything,” she explains.

SOY ECO: Well-crafted toys for children

The top selling items on Louise’s website are simple, well-crafted toys for children made from recycled cardboard, called Paperpods.

Another good seller is the water pebble. It monitors water use by lighting up green, amber, then red to tell you when to end your shower.

Available online, Louise has also been trying to get these gadgets stocked by Andalucian retailers.

“When we visited one group to show them our products they said ‘Spain isn’t ready. But before setting up I read some global research which asked what consumers felt about spending more money on eco products. Spain came out higher than the UK every time. It’s not that the Spanish public aren’t ready, they just haven’t had a chance.”