Our Friends’ Electric

Our Friends’ Electric

LAST UPDATED: 22 June, 2010 @ 11:26 am
Ecologic Tesur car
Ecologic Tesur car

Ecologic Tesur car
Ecologic Tesur car

By Sarah Wallace

SPAIN’S first electric car factory is being planned for Andalucia.

The groundbreaking plant in Almeria will produce between 20,000 and 30,000 Ecologic Tesur cars per year.

The factory, which will create an estimated 300 jobs, will be based in Huercal Overa, if all goes according to plan.

The company, which set up in Almeria in 1983, is also looking at another location in Ciudad Real in case it cannot get planning permission granted quickly.

Green company Ecologic Tesur Cars is designing its new energy-efficient electric car with the help of researchers at the University of Almeria and engineers at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

The vehicles will likely be used by public administrations in an effort to improve the quality of life in cities and spearhead anti-pollution efforts.

The company has about 16 designs for its vehicles prepared and prototyped. It has made its name designing mobility buggies as well as golf carts.

Ecologic Tesur has also designed a range of industrial vehicles from diggers to tarring lorries.