8,000 sign petition to stop bullfight in southern Spain

8,000 sign petition to stop bullfight in southern Spain

LAST UPDATED: 19 July, 2017 @ 12:22 pm
OPPOSED: Members of the Campo de Gibraltar anti bullfighting movement

MORE than 8,000 people have signed a petition to call off a bullfight in La Linea.

OPPOSED: Members of the Campo de Gibraltar anti bullfighting movement

Four representatives of the Campo de Gibraltar anti-bullfighting movement handed the petition in at the town hall in a bid to demonstrate the growing opposition to the ‘act of animal cruelty’.

The fight, due to take place at La Linea’s bullring on July 22, has been opposed by locals as well as people from all over Europe and in countries as far away as Taiwan and Brazil.

“We are opposed to the bullfight as we consider it to be an example of extreme animal cruelty. Considering how fast the petition has taken off we can see we are not the only ones that share this belief,” Linda Zemmler, a member of the movement, told the Olive Press.

“Together we can bring awareness to as many people as possible,” added Linda, who works in Gibraltar as a product owner.

You can sign the petition here.