Aspirin Could Help Beat Cancer

Aspirin Could Help Beat Cancer

LAST UPDATED: 12 May, 2012 @ 10:54 pm
ASPIRIN: Study showed that low daily doses of the painkiller reduced the risk of developing cancer by a quarter over three years

ASPIRIN: Study showed that low daily doses of the painkiller reduced the risk of developing cancer by a quarter over three years

ASPIRIN could help to prevent cancer as well as protecting the heart and arteries, claim to scientists.

In what could be a major breakthrough in the battle against the disease, one study showed that low daily doses of the painkiller reduced the risk of developing cancer by a quarter over three years.

The risk of dying from cancer was reduced further, by 37 per cent, if aspirin was taken daily for five years or more.

Another study, one of three published in two Lancet journals by scientists at Oxford University, showed that aspirin reduced the chances of cancer spreading by almost 50 per cent.