Volunteers remove more than 22,000 cigarette butts from Costa del Sol beach...

Volunteers remove more than 22,000 cigarette butts from Costa del Sol beach in Spain

LAST UPDATED: 3 October, 2018 @ 9:15 am

DEDICATED volunteers have picked up an amazing 22,500 cigarettes from a Costa del Sol beach. 

The amazing haul was removed from La Linea’s shoreline during World Clean Up Day at the weekend.

Cadiz-based green group Ecologistas en Accion shared a photo of the butts which were collected using empty water bottles.

“One butt contaminates eight litres of water,” the group said on Facebook.

“22,500 cigarette butts collected in three hours at La Linea de la Concepcion on the streets and beaches.

“We have avoided contaminating 180,000 litres of water.

“Do not forget that we need water to live!”

The group, based in the Campo de Gibraltar, had a message for smokers.

“Do not throw your butts to the ground, don’t pollute, use bins and ashtrays!”