Spanish Government And Junta de Andalucia Will Unite To Demolish Algarrobico Hotel

Spanish Government And Junta de Andalucia Will Unite To Demolish Algarrobico Hotel

LAST UPDATED: 23 February, 2016 @ 9:12 pm

algarrobico-hotelSPANISH national and regional authorities are joining forces to demolish the controversial Hotel Algarrobico.

The government’s Minister for the Environment, Isabel Garcia Tejerina, and Junta de Andalucia minister Jose Fiscal are thrashing out a plan to flatten the Cabo de Gata beachside complex.

A 2012 report put the cost of restoring the land near Carboneras at 7,175,000.

Last week, Spain’s Supreme Court ruled that the hotel was built on protected land and belonged to the Andalucian Junta.

“This allows us to start demolishing it,” said Garcia Tejerina.

A date has not yet been set for the proposed demolition.

The president of the Andalucian court, Lorenzo del Rio said the decade-long court battle was ‘definitively resolved’ from a judicial perspective.

Junta head Susana Diaz welcomed last week’s court’s decision, saying ‘at last justice has been done’.