Action Group Launch Anti-bird Poisoning Campaign In Spain

Action Group Launch Anti-bird Poisoning Campaign In Spain

LAST UPDATED: 21 January, 2014 @ 11:49 am

taking-the-baitA CAMPAIGN to stop bird poisoning has been started in Spain – where more than 6,500 have been killed in only 10 years.

Now the beady eyes of almost 20 regions will be on our feathered friends with prevention, deterrence and surveillance being the order of the day.

Bird lovers will also swap information on possible suspects to try to bring more criminals to court to pay for their sickening slayings.

BirdLife in Spain has developed the draft action plan and protocol to end poison-baiting after it was revealed more than 6,500 birds have been killed in this way.

Despite being prohibited by both national and regional law, poison-baiting is regularly used due to a lack of surveillance and investigation.

It is considered a massive and non-selective method for killing predators and one of the biggest threats to birdlife and biodiversity in Spain.

The plan’s objectives are to extend and improve available information, to work towards the prevention, deterrence and surveillance of the illegal use of poisoned bait, to boost prosecution efficiency and to control the sale of toxic substances likely to be used for the preparing of poisoned bait.

All 17 autonomous regions have committed to develop and/or review their action plans.