Organic Orgiva Menu del Dia

Organic Orgiva Menu del Dia

LAST UPDATED: 16 November, 2014 @ 1:25 pm
BARAKA: Certified organic menu

BARAKA: Certified organic menu

A PIONEERING chef has devised an organic menu del dia to attract healthy eating fans to his Orgiva restaurant.

The boss of Baraka has set aside a special production line in the kitchen for his healthy fare – a stipulation by the organic certification body CAAE before they would grant him a licence.

Owner Qasim took a series of dishes which he could convert to be 100 per cent organic and now offers a daily menu with a typically Arabic flavour including cous cous, falafel and hummous, followed by chocolate cake, with fresh juices and home made bread to accompany the meal.

“It would be complicated to establish a fully certified organic restaurant but by having a menu of the day I wanted to make a statement to my customers and for anyone interested in eating organic that there is a clear choice available,” explains Qasim.