From Plot To Plate

From Plot To Plate

LAST UPDATED: 31 July, 2011 @ 12:17 pm
NERJA ALLOTMENTS: Eddie Hartley and his girlfriend Nicole Brouwers

NERJA ALLOTMENTS: Eddie Hartley and his girlfriend Nicole Brouwers

EDDIE Hartley and his girlfriend Nicole Brouwers were such fans of growing their own that they decided to make the The Good Life their way of life.

Their allotment in Nerja has 15 plots in use, with space for a further 60 would-be gardeners.

People grow the full range of fruit and veg, including beans, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes and strawberries.

“Three of them have built a small chicken shed and have four chickens each,” said Nicole.

“The atmosphere is wonderful, everyone giving each other advice and helping out.

“But the best bit is eating the fantastic produce. It’s so fresh and gives a great sense of satisfaction when it tastes so good.”

The 50m2 plots have been rotavated, there is a compost heap, water and even a canopy where you can sit and relax in the shade.

The rent is 25 euros per month and so far, all the gardeners are British or Irish. “But all nationalities are welcome, the more the merrier!”

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