Will New Mayor Finally Erase The Algorrobico?

Will New Mayor Finally Erase The Algorrobico?

LAST UPDATED: 27 November, 2014 @ 5:40 pm
ALGORROBICO: A 2006 court injunction saw construction work on the four-star, hotel stopped

ALGORROBICO: A 2006 court injunction saw construction work on the four-star, hotel stopped

GREENPEACE is petitioning the new mayor of Carboneras to take a stand over the controversial Algorrobico hotel.

The pressure group hopes that the new Independent leader will take action over the illegal 411 room hotel that was built on a beach in a protected natural park area.

It is pleading with Salvador Hernandez to correct the ‘mistakes’ of the previous socialist mayor and declare the land ‘unsuitable for development’.

In the ongoing 10 year saga surrounding the hotel – which sits within the stunning Cabo de Gata natural park – the environmental organisation called on Hernández to reverse the ‘obsolete policies of excessive and illegal development’.

It wants him to draw up a new PGOU development plan to promote rural tourism.

A 2006 court injunction saw construction work on the four-star, hotel stopped as it contravenes the coastal law which forbids constructions within 100 metres of the coast.

Construction company Azata has, to this date, launched and lost 12 appeals to re-start work at the hotel, which was in the final stages of being finished when the building licence was taken away.