Work To Resume At Controversial Algarrobico Hotel Site

Work To Resume At Controversial Algarrobico Hotel Site

LAST UPDATED: 5 October, 2014 @ 4:29 pm
Residents have painted over the ‘I’ in Greenpeace’s ‘HOTEL ILEGAL’ message, so it now reads ‘HOTEL LEGAL’

The activists painted an enormous black circle, with an area of 8,000 square metres, with its message ‘Illegal hotel’ spelled out in giant white letters
The activists painted an enormous black circle, with an area of 8,000 square metres, with its message ‘Illegal hotel’ spelled out in giant white letters

THE Algarrobico Hotel saga has taken another twist, after a legal judgement ruled work could begin again on the half-built structure in Almeria.

The news comes as a blow to Junta de Andalucia leader Susana Diaz, who previously pledged she would do ‘everything possible to impede’ the construction.

Dubbed ‘Hotel Illegal’ by Greenpeace protesters in 2006, work on the 400-room complex was halted when the Junta claimed land rights were sold under an ‘illegal’ contract and the site – in the Cabo de Gata-Nijar – was protected land.

Developer Azata del Sol is set to complete the 20-storey hotel as the legal battle comes to an end.