Green Travel On The Rise In Spain

Green Travel On The Rise In Spain

LAST UPDATED: 30 August, 2014 @ 8:56 am
Yurts, green retreats and carbon neutral accommodation have become popular with those seeking to reduce their impact on the environment

Yurts, green retreats and carbon neutral accommodation have become popular with those seeking to reduce their impact on the environment
Yurts, green retreats and carbon neutral accommodation have become popular with those seeking to reduce their impact on the environment

ECO-TOURISM may have first taken off in Spain in the mid 1990s, but there’s been a marked increase in travelers looking for an eco-friendly green holiday experience over the last few years.

Growing numbers of visitors are becoming aware of Spain’s reputation as a solar and wind super power and although the usual European sun seekers still continue to visit annually, more visitors are incorporating environmental awareness and green living into their stay.

There are more than 1,000 camp sites in Spain and these, along with yurts, green retreats and carbon neutral accommodation have become popular with those seeking to reduce their impact on the environment, whilst still enjoying a holiday.

From swapping planes for trains and ferries, to trading cars for bicycles there are numerous ways to go green and this type of travel lifestyle has become increasingly trendy. Many holidaymakers have become far more aware of energy use and the wastage in their environment and even when travelling, have aimed to reduce their carbon footprint.

The recognisance of the impact travel has on the environment has changed the way many people view their holidays. Even activities such as heading to the local casino have been swapped for playing Spanish style slots online at JackpotCity rather than spending hours in an establishment that uses a huge amount of resources to power it.

Eco friendly holiday activities have also replaced those that may have been less than kind to the environment and the demand for trekking and hiking tours, cycling getaways and outings to natural parks and wetlands has increased dramatically.

Several hotel chains in Spain have also taken on the ‘reduce, re-use, recycle’ principle and encourage visitors to reduce their impact on the environment wherever possible. These hotels have also chosen methods of operation that are the least damaging to the environment.

A recent report released by the Centre for Responsible Travel (CREST) showed that responsible travel is increasing all over the world, and that Spain, with its solar and wind power, green retreats and eco-friendly tour options has been a forerunner in advocating greener holidays.