Algarrobico Hotel Ruled As Legal Outraging Environmental Groups

Algarrobico Hotel Ruled As Legal Outraging Environmental Groups

LAST UPDATED: 23 April, 2014 @ 5:07 pm
The Algorrobico Hotel was ruled illegal by the Spanish Supreme Court in March

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EL ALGARROBICO: The Andalucian Supreme Court has reversed the multiple previous rulings

GREENPEACE and other local environmental groups are outraged at the Andalucian Supreme Court’s decision to legalise the controversial Algarrobico hotel and are not giving up, following a legal battling lasting years.

Construction on the 21-storey hotel ceased in 2006 after it was ruled illegal- due to the fact it was built on a nature reserve.

Greenpeace have campaigned for many years to have the half-built concrete structure demolished, painting the words ‘hotel illegal’ on its outside.

But now the Supreme Court has reversed the multiple previous rulings and decided the hotel, on a beach in the Cabo de Gata nature reserve, held a legal permit and construction may recommence.