Selling The Spanish Sun

Selling The Spanish Sun

LAST UPDATED: 21 January, 2012 @ 2:25 pm
Solar panels like these could soon be making their owners cash

Solar panels like these could soon be making their owners cash

SOLAR panel owners could soon be flogging the electricity they create to energy companies.

Those connected to Endesa’s electricity supply whose panels absorb more energy than they use will be able to inject the surplus back into the grid – and later have its value deducted from their bill.

“We are currently developing a way of netting energy, to enable people to sell to the grid the difference between the energy they consume and that which they produce,” said Isabel de Haro from the Andalucian Energy Agency.

And the facts do seem to speak for themselves.

A well-placed five kilowatt-hour (kWh) solar panel installation can create up to 7,500 kWh annually – based on an average of 1,500 hours of Andalucian sunshine per year.

With users only likely to consume half of that, it makes perfect sense for that energy to be sold and used by other consumers.

The exciting new development is set to come into effect in 2013.