Greener Travel To Spain

Greener Travel To Spain

LAST UPDATED: 4 May, 2012 @ 1:38 pm
GREENER TRAVEL TO SPAIN: There are ways you can travel with a reduced carbon footprint

GREENER TRAVEL TO SPAIN: There are ways you can travel with a reduced carbon footprint

WHEN you travel to Spain from a different country, you don’t often think about the impact you are having on the environment just by getting on the plane. There are ways you can make your journey greener though, and you don’t necessarily have to alter your travel plans.

Unfortunately there is no way around the fact that travelling on a plane does result in some form of air pollution. And because air travel is so congested nowadays, more emissions are released into the air. The trouble is that aviation fuel is a fossil fuel which has a bigger impact than other energy sources. This isn’t to say you have to stay home and play foxy bingo instead of travelling to Spain though. There are ways you can travel with a reduced carbon footprint.

Take a ferry

Dependent on where you live, you could take a boat here. For example, a UK resident could take a boat here within a day. Or if you are from Australia, you could take a plane to a certain point, and get a boat the rest of the way. It will take longer, but you will be reducing your carbon footprint significantly.

Pack lighter

The heavier the plane is, the more energy it needs to use to fly to your destination. If everyone on the plane were to pack a few less items, the plane wouldn’t need to exert so much energy to reach the destination. Sadly most passengers won’t do that. At least you can sit happy in the knowledge you have made the effort though.


The train is universally recognised as a mode of transport with less of an impact on air pollution. Whether you are from mainland Europe or elsewhere you could take the train to Spain, for at least a portion of your journey here.