Spanish animal rights activists organise mass demonstrations against bull fighting

Spanish animal rights activists organise mass demonstrations against bull fighting

LAST UPDATED: 23 April, 2017 @ 4:09 pm

MASS anti-bullfighting demonstrations have been called in Spain as the 2017 corrida calendar gets into full swing.

Animal rights activists took to Sevilla’s streets last weekend (April 23), while thousands representing some 50 protest groups are expected to attend a nationwide rally in Madrid on May 13.

The rallies were called to coincide with the beginning of the main bullfighting season in Spain, which will last from now until September.

Sevilla’s rally came after a week long pro-animal celebration organised by animal rights political party PACMA.

Madrid’s march and demonstration has been called by the Tauromaquia Es Violencia group on the same day as Madrid’s Feria de San Isidro, in which 27 bull fights have been planned.

According to the group, 20,000 cattle were killed for sport in Spain last year.