Children Allowed To Choose Their Own Vegetables Are More Likely To Eat...

Children Allowed To Choose Their Own Vegetables Are More Likely To Eat Their Greens

LAST UPDATED: 16 September, 2014 @ 4:55 pm
TASTY: Youngsters who pick their own veg eat up to a staggering 80 per cent more

TASTY: Youngsters who pick their own veg eat up to a staggering 80 per cent more

YOUNGSTERS allowed to choose their own vegetables are more likely to eat their greens, Spanish researchers claim.

According to a research study by the University of Granada youngsters who pick their own veg eat up to a staggering 80 per cent more.

Although researchers noted kids will still often avoid calcium-rich vegetables like spinach, broccoli and cabbage because of their bitter taste, the ability to choose what they want is the key to increased consumption.

Four public schools were used for the study with 150 children allowed to choose vegetables they wanted to eat for lunch.


According to the research, children who were allowed to pick their veggies ate 20 additional grams at lunch, and an average of 40 more grams per day between lunch and dinner.

The study also confirmed children’s overall sensitivity to the bitterness of glucosinolate and calcium – present in certain vegetables – providing reasons as to why children might reject vegetables.